Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Mr. Goldish? Your Report, Sir

On at least two separate occasions, Ezzie, partycrasher (check the list of his collaborations here) of the Judeoblogosphere, asked me for a full and updated Checklist Checklist of Bloggy people who I've met. So I told him I would do it once I meet him. Vehameivin yavin (viyhhakeh ‘ad hasof).

= have met in RL
√! = met in RL before knowing about their blog
√* = met in an unplanned situation in RL, stalker-style
√^ = they "stalked" me!
√? = pretty sure met in RL, but no independent verification
√~ = communicated with by an RL medium, but no physical encounter
√º = sushi with Steg™
X = almost met in RL

OrthoMom — X
Mar Gavriel
Alan (not Scott) — √!
Trep (and Zahava) —
R' Gil
Shira Salamone
Pres. Menachem Butler√*
Dr. PT, MDü
Ya‘aqov Ben-Yehuda√(^)
R' Micha
Mike Miller√^
Rabbi Fleischmann
Drew Kaplan√!
The LabRab (and siblings) — √(!)
Steve Brizel (my nemesis) — √^
Robbie — X
Knitter of Shiny Things
(R') Saul Mashbaum
Out of Step in Kfar Saba — √~X
Ezzieü (we didn't actually eat sushi at the sushi place, but could've)
The Hedyot√^
Larry Lennhoff
Ari Kinsberg√^
Habib (almost with "!")
Rabbi Josh Yuter
The Town Crier (introduced by RJY above)
ALG of Abacaxi Mamao√^
Larry Lennhoff
Charlie Hall
Ben Greenberg√*
Moe (.30cal) —
R' Joshua Maroof

If I've forgotten you, drop me a comment.
Just not on my head, please.


Blogger Knitter of shiny things said...

Yay! A post! And a shout out! In one!

My blog people I've met list is definitely much shorter than yours. Then again, I'm definitely much shorter than you...

8/15/2006 11:49 PM  
Blogger Neil Harris said...

I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad that I live in Chicago. Ever hear of "7 degrees of Steg"? lol

8/16/2006 12:21 AM  
Blogger Ezzie said...

LOL. Is partycrasher a negative term?

Anyways... it was a pleasure meeting you. Now, if only this %^&* phone would stop ringing! Sorry for the rudeness, and may we do it again soon.

Hey, I made your blogroll! But wait - should Ser have an ayin? And she uses a sin, not a samech... ah, the dilemmas. And why is my name first!? Hmmm...

Anyways, invite for future is genuine. Sorry I had to run so quickly, too. On a scale of 1-10, I think I get an 8 in the "rude as a NYer" category. :)

8/16/2006 1:59 AM  
Blogger Hashouk said...

On your next trip in, war or no war, we will meet (there is a nice little sushi bar in Kfar Saba , if you'd like).

8/16/2006 5:19 AM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

Knitter of Shiny Things:

Uhm... no comment?

Neil Harris:

No, in fact i have not heard of "7 degrees of Steg"... i hope those degrees are Celsius, not Fahrenheit ;-) .


Well, it's not as bad as "collaborator", is it? :-P
Sorry i never added you before. And i couldn't remember how to spell Serach, so i decided to just transliterate it all Yiddish-style... and backwards. There are very few people on my blogroll whose link is actually identical to either their URL, blog name, or screenname.
And hey, if someone's got to be the NYer, it might as well be you ;-) .

Out of Step in Kfar Saba:

Sounds like a plan!

8/16/2006 6:30 AM  
Blogger Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Steg: Huh? You come to us for shabbat, and leave out, "the family" ???

Good thing my wife doesn't read your blog ;-)

8/16/2006 7:34 AM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...


That's exactly the point! David's family participates in his blog, yours does not; therefore, your family, as nice as they are, are not bloggy people :-P .

Maybe i'll just change the "and family" to "and Zahava", though.

8/16/2006 8:28 AM  
Blogger Mar Gavriel said...

What do the parentheses mean around the exclamation point after the check after The LabRab's name?

8/16/2006 10:09 AM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

Mar Gavriel:

That i had heard of some of his relatives before meeting them, but not necessarily read their blogs, and met some of them before realizing who they were exactly.

8/16/2006 10:12 AM  
Blogger Ezzie said...

NYer? Ouch. Ouch. And here, I thought we were on good terms... ;)

8/16/2006 11:25 AM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...


Hey, don't look at me, I'm from "out of town"

8/16/2006 11:43 AM  
Blogger Lab Rab said...

That i had heard of some of his relatives before meeting them, but not necessarily read their blogs, and met some of them before realizing who they were exactly.

We're a confusing bunch to nail down, aren't we? :)

8/16/2006 12:33 PM  
Blogger MC Aryeh said...

Is there a long waiting list for Sushi with Steg (TM)? If not, sign me up!

8/16/2006 12:38 PM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

Lab Rab:

yes you are!

M C Aryeh (and not McAryeh as i originally thought):

no waiting list, just email me ;-)

8/16/2006 12:43 PM  
Blogger Ezzie said...


Hey, nobody wants sushi with Ezzie?! Hmph. What have you been telling, Steg?!

8/16/2006 1:18 PM  
Blogger PsychoToddler said...

Egad what a complicated system. So it looks like you've been stalked as often as you have stalked?

8/16/2006 2:18 PM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...


Me? Nothing! Nothing, i tell you!
Maybe i should have told them that you have good taste in appetizers, then they'll want to eat with you ;-) .


Yup, looks like it. Although remember it's not quite actual stalking, per se.

8/16/2006 2:22 PM  
Blogger Ezzie said...

Yeah, you should! :) Though they can always ask other bloggers who have eaten by my house about the food here... I make it, and it's good. (That's why I'm no longer 6'0 180.)

8/16/2006 3:01 PM  
Blogger Shifra said...

You know, I think I actually coined "sushi with Steg" I wasn't sure so I checked the archives. You can find it's first reference in the comments of this post http://boroparkpyro.blogspot.com/2006/01/but-he-was-still-trogdor_18.html
Sushi with Steg is a lot of fun, I recommend it!

8/16/2006 7:07 PM  
Blogger Ezzie said...

Shifra - I agree, it is. You should try "Sushi with Ezzie", though. ;)

8/16/2006 7:29 PM  
Blogger The back of the hill said...

I have never met any blog people in RL. Nor almost met any.

I believe that Balabusta in Blue Jeans and I may have come within several feet of each other at some of the rallies.

I would not be able to recognize her.

Some of y'all really should visit the Bay-Area. Yes.
And if you do, an e-mail address is listed in the 'occupation' field in my profile. Drop me a line.

8/16/2006 8:24 PM  
Blogger lxr23g56 said...

wow I'm honored to have made the list of sort of kind of real-life acquaintances!!

oh and by the way, you have been Meme'd so please be a mench and help spread the word!


8/17/2006 12:42 PM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

Okay, who's up for Sushi with Shifra and Ezzie? :-)

Back of the Hill:

sounds like a plan!


oops! nope...
you're חצילים בטעם כבד ;-)


that's not a meme, that's a bloody term paper! :-P

8/17/2006 6:20 PM  
Blogger Esser Agaroth said...

B"H Wait a minute! I could've sworn that I stalked you. Didn't I? No, wait.... That's someone else. Never mind! ;-)

8/17/2006 6:23 PM  
Blogger lxr23g56 said...


You have halachicly correct chosen people dendrites, I'm sure you can handle it!


PS mine is done and posted and I managed to pull it off without mentioning Jesus or Tyler Durden.

8/17/2006 6:42 PM  
Blogger Mar Gavriel said...

People with LJs don't count??

8/17/2006 6:52 PM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...


'Stalking' here means something specific, i.e. maneuvering oneself into a situation in which bumping into the blogger is likely. Although since you did stalk me, in a more typical manner of speaking :-P , i'll modify it.

Mar Gavriel:

No they do not. They are not part of the [Blogspot] Judeoblogosphere.

8/17/2006 8:18 PM  
Blogger Ezzie said...

Hey, I put up one LJ guy...

I'm up for sushi with Ezzie & Shifra! Wait... now I'm confused... :/

8/17/2006 10:34 PM  
Blogger Knitter of shiny things said...

You're such a blogspot elitist! And you have some LJers in your blogroll...And there are other bloggers who have non-blogspot blogs.

8/18/2006 11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry that you were not either at the BT Shabbaton or the R Slifkin Book Launch. BTW, I liked your short list of defining factors for LW MO. Here is one factor that has eminated from the Charedi world and helped anyone who opens a Gemara-accurate texts of basic Rishonim such as Rambam, Ritva and Meiri.

8/18/2006 2:52 PM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

Steve Brizel:

Thanks! I thought it would produce more discussion, but i guess not.

How is accurate texts of basic Rishonim a defining feature of UO? Seems like the kind of thing people who are into textual criticism would produce... and is Mosad Harav Kook actually Chareidi?

8/18/2006 5:54 PM  
Blogger Knitter of shiny things said...

Steg (and Steve Brizel except you've already seen it)- Beyond BT just posted an article by Gil Student about the divide between MO and UO. Of course, he divides MO into MO and "MO-lite"(TM?). My guess MO-lite= LWMO. Because of course, anyone who lets women participate in rituals in the shul and wear pants must be lax in their practice...

8/21/2006 10:31 AM  
Blogger thanbo said...

"stalked"? I'm sorry you feel that way.

8/21/2006 3:39 PM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...


Not necessarily.
Some indications on the Judeoblogosphere indicate that some RWMO people consider LWMO not MO at all, but the same as RWC[onservative], so it sort of falls off the chart at that point.


it's not REALLY stalking. After all, i don't actually go around stalking bloggy people myself, so i'm not saying that you or anyone else stalked me. "stalking" is shorthand for 'being in a situation where a run-in with the other person is likely, and making the first move'.

8/21/2006 10:14 PM  
Blogger The Hedyot said...

You actually met me too, but I never revealed my blog identity. :-)

8/21/2006 11:50 PM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...


Well then YOU DON'T COUNT, buddy. :-P
Or i could start a new category...

8/22/2006 9:01 AM  
Blogger The Hedyot said...

Of course I count! Shabbat lunch a few months ago at your place. Remember? I brought the salad.

8/22/2006 11:42 AM  
Blogger thanbo said...

I invited you to lunch because
a) you're an interesting blogger
b) you're a frum fan, and we are few and far between
c) I thought it would be good to recruit you for Micha's group
d) if you were going to walk in from Boro Park for the shabbaton, why should you have to walk back in the cold?

If that's stalking, so be it.

8/22/2006 12:36 PM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...


it's not REALLY stalking. After all, i don't actually go around stalking bloggy people myself, so i'm not saying that you or anyone else stalked me. "stalking" is shorthand for 'being in a situation where a run-in with the other person is likely, and making the first move'.
there's nothing negative in how i'm using the term. which also means that i'm using it with none of the actual connotations or denotations of the word "stalking", which is, as we can see, not such a good idea...

so anyway, inviting me to lunch because i was planning on going to the shabbaton is definitely 'being in a situation where a run-in with the other person is likely, and making the first move'.

8/22/2006 12:56 PM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...


okay, now i get it.
changing changing...

8/22/2006 12:56 PM  
Blogger Abacaxi Mamao said...

Glad I'm not the only blogger to have "stalked" you. And I didn't take it negatively, although I'm sure you know that for most women, the term "stalker" has a very negative connotation. Or more than a connotation, possibly even a denotation.

3/12/2007 8:12 PM  

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