“Torah-True Meteorology”?
New SLOGAN of the Yeshiva University:

New(?) Slogan(?) of the Weather Channel website:

ברוך הוא אבינו בוראנו יוצרנו הצייר העליון
משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם השלג והטל
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ז ה י ר ו ת : מ ח ס ו ם ד ר ק ו נ י ם ל פ נ י ך
And Ribbí Ya‘aqov said, Rav Hhisda said:
Anyone who sets out on the way must pray Tefilat Haderekh.
What is Tefilat Haderekh?יהי רצון מלפניך ה' אלהי
שתוליכני לשלום
ותצעידני לשלום
ותסמכני לשלום
ותצילני מכף
כל אויב ואורב בדרך
ותשלח ברכה במעשי ידי
ותתנני לחן ולחסד ולרחמים בעיניך
ובעיני כל רואי
בא"י שומע תפילה
May it be your will, YHVH my god,
that you walk me to peace,
and pace me to peace,
and support me to peace;
and save me from the hand of
any enemy and ambush on the way;
and send a blessing in my handiwork;
and place me for grace, kindness and compassion in your eyes
and the eyes of all who see me.
Blessed are you, YHVH, who listens to prayer.
Abayey said, one must always associate themself together with the community.
How would we say it then?יהי רצון מלפניך ה' אלהינו
שתוליכנו לשלום, וכו׳
May it be your will, YHVH our god,
that you walk us to peace, etc.
...Israel was charged with the task of being a magnet to the nations, drawing them toward a recognition of God's majesty and service. Hiram and Cyrus saw and responded. Antiochus did not. When Israel is worthy, it is instrumental in leading society toward this state. Indeed, in the aftermath of Chanukah, when the family of Hasmoneans inspired the Jewish people to risk their lives to renew the glory and purity of the Temple, the result was that the Jewish Commonwealth expanded, in size, wealth, and spiritual influence.