Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bad For The Jews News

This morning, I happened to glance at the stack of free METRO newspapers as I exited the subway, and what do I see but this picture:

Some idiotic Jewish t-shirt designer, wearing his inflammatory controversial t-shirt, and a big frikkin' Jewish star. What the Hell on God's Green Earth and Gray Concrete do you think you're doing, "Apollo Braun"?!

Read the whole embarrassing shanda story here.

Ashamnu, bagadnu, gazalnu, dibarnu stupidity...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

נתנו פרסומת חינם לאנשים מגעילים

I share your anger, but wouldn't a link be sufficient? Why reproduce the picture and give this press-seeking idiot more publicity? I doubt he believes a word of what he puts on his shirts: this is likely just his route to CNN.

7/17/2008 10:22 AM  
Blogger Leora said...

To me one of the most annoying parts of the story is that the customer tried to sue him. She paid for the t-shirt; why should she get to sue? I can't stand frivolous law suits.

7/17/2008 11:11 AM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...


according to the article, at least, he really really hates Obama. so he may very well believe it. unless it's *all* an act.

7/17/2008 7:58 PM  
Blogger The back of the hill said...

Why reproduce the picture and give this press-seeking idiot more publicity?

It is questionable whether a blog read by, lets face it, probably no more than a few hundred people, almost all of whom are "in the parsha", will give this press-seeking idiot more publicity. And likely, this extra publicity will be as bad as what he already gets, probably more so.

My first reaction on seeing the photo was one of shock and disbelief. Other than the repulsion I feel for the sentiment, I have this sick feeling that this picture will become a trope that will be repeated, forwarded, interpreted, and used to prove anti-Semitic points. Apollo Braun (aka Doron Braunshtein) seems blitheringly oblivious to the grosse chillul Hashem (in the demotic meaning that roughly equates to a shande fer di goyim, of course) that this shirt, and his previous shirts mentioned in the article, represent.

Can someone please convert that fool to Christianity?

7/18/2008 3:59 PM  
Blogger The back of the hill said...

Ve heyevanu, ve hirshanu, zadnu..... pretty much the entire list. Painfull.

7/18/2008 4:06 PM  
Blogger Ahuva said...

Chillul Hashem-- that's exactly what I was thinking. What an idiot. I particularly loved the "Israeli born" mention in the article. :( :( :(

7/22/2008 3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even without all the stuff in that other language, that shirt and its ilk (marvelous word, ilk!) are embarressments.

Perhaps the gentleman is a crypto-redneck. Marvelous country, what - I can pretend to be a guru or a swami, he can pretend to be a ridgerunner AND a Jew at the same time.

Truly a land of limitless opportunity.

---Grant Patel

7/22/2008 6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“He reminds me of Adolf Hitler,” Braun explained, adding he does not like Obama because “he is a Muslim” — a thoroughly debunked myth.

Even if Obama was a Muslim (which he is not), what does that have to do with Hitler? Hitler wasn't a Muslim.

How does Obama remind "Apollo" (heh, heh!) of Hitler?

Is Obama invading countries, taking them over, throwing minorities (including Jews) and political opponents into concentration and death camps, sending handicapped people to be sterilized or killed, passing racial discrimination laws, throwing Jews out of government and university positions . . . ?

his outrageous design reflects not his views but those of “ordinary WASPs.”

And he's perfectly content to make money off of those indisputably racist views.

I also hope the "customer" gets to bring this to court. And I hope that the judge assigned to the case is Black. That would be much fun.

7/22/2008 10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone should send the Metro cover to Chuck Mangione. Maybe he can sue Apollo for looking too much like him . . . I'm sure Mr. Mangione wouldn't want anyone to think it was HIM on the cover, sporting that stupid shirt.

7/24/2008 12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there not some expression about a shandy for the goys that is applicable in this context?

And contradictory that the descendant of escapees from Egypt should express so Egyptian an attitude towards others. Not exemplary of him.

---Grant Patel

7/25/2008 3:29 PM  
Blogger Kylopod said...

Is Obama invading countries, taking them over, throwing minorities (including Jews) and political opponents into concentration and death camps, sending handicapped people to be sterilized or killed, passing racial discrimination laws, throwing Jews out of government and university positions . . . ?

Hitler hadn't done all that either when he first ran for president.

I think the Hitler comparisons are based on the idea that his supporters are taken in by his mesmerizing speaking ability without caring about his actual policies.

Before y'all jump on me, I should point out that I have been a strong Obama supporter since the beginning of this year.

It's just that since everyone here is preaching to the choir, I thought that somebody had to play devil's advocate.

7/25/2008 4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aside from everything else (and I agree this is a huge chillul Hashem, as well as being just generally evil), I can't believe people are paying $69 for those shirts.

7/28/2008 11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Mazda's sake, post something else! I keep tuning in and seeing that ugly man!

---Grant Patel

7/29/2008 3:23 PM  
Blogger J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

"Jewish Star"

It's actually an Arab star. It was theirs since pre-historic times, orginially called "hattam Soliman", i.e. Chotam Shlomo mentioned in gitin and bava basra. Although according to us it was a shem hashem, they made it int to interverted triangles which mean godknowswhat.

It re-entered, very slowly and quitely, hard to know how, in Jewish use (very sparse, BTW) about 300 years ago.

Then it was re-stolen by not-too frum Jews for Zionist purposes, mistaking it for a Jewish symbol.

7/29/2008 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Khattam Suleiman, Solomon's seal in English.
Such as keeps a djinn within a bottle. Or in this case, within an offensive teeshirt, and permanently on display on this blog.
As described in many Arab tales - Alf Leila wa Leil (1001 nights), for example.

Please please please write a new post, and get that ulu off the top.

---Grant Patel

7/30/2008 3:09 PM  

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