Symbolic Rosh Hashana Foods in English
SQUASH... so that God will squash your enemies!
TARRAGON... so that 'terror' will be 'gone'
CASHEWS... for monetary success ('cash')
[cashews not necessarily compatible with anti-nut customs]
MINT... also relating to money
SUNFLOWER SEEDS... for illumination
JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES... for an end to Exile
POMEGRANATE... so that we will be strong like granite!
SOLE (the fish)... for spirituality
DATES... need no explanation.
TARRAGON... so that 'terror' will be 'gone'
CASHEWS... for monetary success ('cash')
[cashews not necessarily compatible with anti-nut customs]
MINT... also relating to money
SUNFLOWER SEEDS... for illumination
JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES... for an end to Exile
POMEGRANATE... so that we will be strong like granite!
SOLE (the fish)... for spirituality
DATES... need no explanation.
sole... I'm glad you didn't say for bigger feet
you made me almost literally ROTFL
How about meat, so you can meet someone?
How about cookie dough ice cream, also for monetary success? Hmm, milchig lunch second day?
Shanah tovah!
The "sole" is awesome!! (I'm just sorry I didn't read this post sooner). Gut Voch!
If you look at the derivation of the word "Jerusalem" in the word "Jerusalem artichoke" you will find another reason to eat it - "mimizrach ha-shemesh ad mvo'oh mehullal shem H'". That is, with the plant that turns to face the sun at its rising and setting we can praise G-d's name. Unfortunately the plant is notorious for causing flatulence, so I suggest you eat it in moderation.
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