Roads Loads Modes Clodes
In honor of my friend Dr. PT and his daughter The PT.
Today I went to the Target (and that's TAR-gitt not tar-ZHAY, for God's sake) in Marble Hill, Manhattan. I was looking for zipper polo-shirts, but couldn't find any, so I picked up a few t-shirts instead.
While walking down the aisles of the store, I passed the children's clothing sections, and saw a "toddler girls" t-shirt that said:
The Toddler Laws of Property
So that was pretty funny.
Anyway, I'm (iy"H) heading out to Israel for about a month after July 4th, so if anyone there wants to meet up (whether for the first time or a repeat), feel free to email me.
And if anyone knows anywhere in the NYC metropolitan area where they sell zipper polo shirts, please pass that info along and hook a brother up.
And speaking of brothers, yes, bro, I am planning a more Torah-related post. Expect it some time today back-dated (or retconned vehameivin yavin) to yesterday.
Today I went to the Target (and that's TAR-gitt not tar-ZHAY, for God's sake) in Marble Hill, Manhattan. I was looking for zipper polo-shirts, but couldn't find any, so I picked up a few t-shirts instead.
While walking down the aisles of the store, I passed the children's clothing sections, and saw a "toddler girls" t-shirt that said:
1. If I like it, it's mine.
2. If it's in my hand, it's mine.
3. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
4. If it looks just like mine, it's mine.
5. If I think it's mine, it's mine.
So that was pretty funny.
Anyway, I'm (iy"H) heading out to Israel for about a month after July 4th, so if anyone there wants to meet up (whether for the first time or a repeat), feel free to email me.
And if anyone knows anywhere in the NYC metropolitan area where they sell zipper polo shirts, please pass that info along and hook a brother up.
for the uncultured... and Ezzie, a zipper polo shirt: (get the idea?)
And speaking of brothers, yes, bro, I am planning a more Torah-related post. Expect it some time today back-dated (or retconned vehameivin yavin) to yesterday.
What the heck are zipper polo shirts!?
see the edited post with picture.
Yup, Valley of the Aboriginal Ghosts... even farther down the valley than i've lived before!
Are you going to walk through Hell to get there?
[I actually think the walk through Hell is quite nice provided you have an adequate water supply and you're not in a rush and it's a nice day out...]
Steg: Zipper polo shirts looks painful! (Are they really considered stylish?)
probably. that's a nice park. i haven't been there when it's snowed, though ;-) .
thanks, sounds like fun!
i think the problem is that they're not considered stylish [anymore], and therefore i'm having trouble finding any. i just prefer zippers to buttons.
I thought those laws were for wives.
LOL. Okay, got it. And they're pretty nice.
cool, seeya there then! :-)
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