Sunday, July 02, 2006

A Godol's Influence

Upon Watching A TV Special About
People Who Think They've Found Noahh's Ark

Once Upon A Time:

Wow! That's so cool! Maybe they'll find ‘Eden too!

Upon Growing Somewhat Older:

Well, considering the geological anti-evidence, it probably didn't happen exactly as described, but these theories about local Mesopotamian floods or the Black Sea Flood look like they could be something...


Oh come on, people! Get a life! It's a mashal, for God's sake! Go out and apply its lessons about social values to your lives instead of wasting your time playing with petrified wood in Iran!


Blogger Kylopod said...

What the hell did they find this time? The articles I've read were extremely vague. I felt like I was reading tabloids or something.

7/03/2006 9:22 AM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...


Click on the "petrified wood in Iran" link.
They interviewed these guys on CNN yesterday.
I guess that gives a new meaning to the slogan "CNN LIES" ;-) .

7/03/2006 9:58 AM  
Blogger SFH said...

I don't have a problem with people who want to believe that the story of Noah's ark actually happened any more than I would have a problem with people who want to believe, say, the Chronicler's version of Judah's wars with Moab. In my opinion both are equally false (you can't be more false than false) and, in the light of external evidence, equally impossible. Still, I don't have issues with others who need to hold on to these sorts of things. What I do have a problem with is when they start claiming that they have a "proof" for it (which only opens themselves up to get absolutely demolished by opposing proofs), or - even worse - THAT THEY'VE FOUND IT!

People who think they've found the ark are in the same category as nutcases who think they've located the remains of Excalibur or found out the secret of perpetual motion. Belief is one thing, forcing a proof for it is another entirely.

7/04/2006 12:32 AM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

My point wasn't the falsity of the story — it's the belief that the reality of the story is inconsequential compared to the "mashalogical" lessons that it's meant to impart.

So while once upon a time my reaction would have been "yeah, they're probably wasting their time, but it's cool anyway", now my reaction was more like "THEY'RE MISSING THE WHOLE POINT OF THE STORY!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEM???"

7/04/2006 8:49 AM  
Blogger The back of the hill said...

Maybe they'll eventually prove that the lions ate the unicorns.

That would explain a lot.

Maybe I'll eventually read the DaVinci code too.


7/05/2006 6:38 PM  
Blogger Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...


The DaVinci Code isn't worth it.
The plot is a bit exciting, but the characters who are supposed to be so smart are so dumb (this is what we call "dumbing down one character so that another character can explain to them what they should know, but we need an excuse to tell the ignorant readers")

7/07/2006 10:19 AM  

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